Why, another email newsletter?

Because it is an important part of human nature: socializing. Unfortunately, e are all busy people and none of us have the time to check-in with every single connection, every month.

I’m not a good writer — nor do I love reading emails — just like most of you. However, I’ve realized that it is important to stay in touch with every single one of my connections; that it is definitely worth 5 minutes a month to read about what projects my peers are working on.

Hopefully, that was a good introduction to my newsletter.

I’m going to keep this clean and concise: Subscribe to keep in touch with me. Never miss an update.

What’s in the email?

Don’t worry — this isn’t spamming. Instead, my monthly emails will include things like:

  • Updates on projects and initiatives

  • New lessons learned — whether it’s leadership, education, or anything!

  • Fresh resources, books and articles I’ve found throughout the month

  • Spelling and Grammar mistakes. Forgive me on these.

  • … and the list goes on.

tl;dr: Subscribe.

I’ve got a lot planned, and I hope you could join me on this journey leading up to college. Feel free to email or message me if you’d like to provide feedback — it’s always appreciated!


Subscribe to Byeongjun’s Newsletter

The most iconic newsletter you'll ever see.


I'm a high school junior interested in discovering the intersections of international relations, design, and computer science!